Motto: Truly Jews of Asia
National Anthem: Negarakuku by Namewee
Largest City: City Nurhaliza
Official Language: Rojak consist of Malay, Chinese and English
Major Export: Nasi lemak, Pirated VCD DVD, Condom
National Icon: Toll, Duit kopi, Unlawful Taxi Driver
National Heroes: Mat Rempit, Ah Long
WARNING: The following text contains the truth that has been long hidden from the public. Please kindly close this page if you are not ready for it.
An short introduction of Malaysia, My beloved country
Essentially the penis of Asia which is located to the north of their cousins who live on an even smaller island, Singapore Malaysia (also known as Bolehland) is a young nation of diverse cultures and races such as F1 Formula-1 and Nascar.
The timezone of Malaysia is unique because it follows the system of +1/+2 PMT (Predetermined Meeting Time) which is 1 or 2 hours later than PMT. Most foreigners have difficulty adjusting to this new timezone as they tend to show up 1 or 2 hours earlier than the local counterparts.
The nation is moving forward with a vision towards becoming a developed nation by the year 2020, 3030, 4040 or whatever catchy number.
Malaysia is made up of 13 states namely Selengor, Kedoh, Police, Thengganew, Kelentoh, Berak, Pening, Sembilan, Malaycrap Johor Balu (just north of Singkepo), Sabah, Sarawek (which are essentially Malaysia's eastern colonies).
The three federal territories Kuala Apek, PuteraUmno and Lawak don't count as states since they're too small anyway.
Another common state that Malaysians have is denial (no lah, where got?), which incidentally, is a river in Egypt.
Saw this article in the uncyclopedia.. really laugh my arse out..
hahahahaha... wont kena sue 1 hor? i copy paste only wor.. :p
Malaysia boleh~
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