Pikom PC fair 08 is finally over..
i worked as ASUS promoter again...
super tiring working there..
need to stand whole day looking for customers..
the salary? okok lar...
commission? sucks wei...
walao eehhhhhh....
even some small small company manage to get showgirls
this asus really... mengemokan aku jer..
i treated my leg and stomach badly in this 3 days
but treated my eyes with loads of chicks
u budaks only waiting for showgirls pics ba..
i know...
Samsung girl
K-one girl
another K-one girl
Kingsoft girl
i like one of the kingsoft girl with red hair..
too bad i dont have her pics =(
(like as in she's pretty la...not really like)
Toshiba girl
Toshiba girl
so pretty la Toshiba punya showgirl..
no wonder people buy laptops from them
not from asus.
padan muka ASUS!

DELL girls~
i think Dell girls caught most of the attentions in this PC fair
because their uniform is really nice..and sexy..haha
Dell hired 16 showgirls but i think only 4 of them are pretty
but their strategies are nice lar...
nvm i like them also...keep walking infront of me..
cos Dell booth was very near to Asus booth...
i worked as ASUS promoter again...
super tiring working there..
need to stand whole day looking for customers..
the salary? okok lar...
commission? sucks wei...
walao eehhhhhh....
even some small small company manage to get showgirls
this asus really... mengemokan aku jer..
i treated my leg and stomach badly in this 3 days
but treated my eyes with loads of chicks
u budaks only waiting for showgirls pics ba..
i know...

i like one of the kingsoft girl with red hair..
too bad i dont have her pics =(
(like as in she's pretty la...not really like)

so pretty la Toshiba punya showgirl..
no wonder people buy laptops from them
not from asus.
padan muka ASUS!

i think Dell girls caught most of the attentions in this PC fair
because their uniform is really nice..and sexy..haha
Dell hired 16 showgirls but i think only 4 of them are pretty
but their strategies are nice lar...
nvm i like them also...keep walking infront of me..
cos Dell booth was very near to Asus booth...
omg i dont have the kingsoft girl pic and the HP girl pic~~~~
both of them top my list de wei~~~
both of them top my list de wei~~~